Data de lançamento:2023-11-15


1. What is PCB?

A printed circuit board (PCB) is an electronic interconnect made of a conducting material (such as copper) on a non-conductive substrate (such as fiberglass). The circuit is printed on the board. PCB can have one layer of conducting material or multiple layers of conducting materials. Components (e.g. IC, capacitors, resistors or active devices) are attached on the PCB.

2. How are PCB made?

See how PCBs are made

3. What is a Gerber file?

Gerber is the standard file format used by printed circuit board (PCB) industry to describe the printed circuit board designs. Super PCB follows Gerber files to manufacture PCBs

4. What are the factors that will affect the prices?

A number for factors affect the prices of the PCB:

Specifications: Material, layer count, copper weight, surface finish

Quantity: Unit price will be lower when quantity increases.

Lead time: Price is higher for shorter lead time. Super PCB can make quick turn

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